About us
Who are LDDA?
LDDA (Liberal Democrat Disability Association) is an AO (Affiliated Organisation) of the Liberal Democrats. We represent those who are disabled and unpaid carers.
Contact us at info@disabilitylibdems.org.uk
We work to raise awareness and understanding of disability, both through the Liberal Democrats, and also the rest of society.
LDDA works within the party to raise both understanding of disability and awareness of what disability is.
Our aims
- To ensure that the policies of the party and the actions of it members are comparable with the needs of disabled people, their carers and their families;
- To act as a forum for disabled people and their carers within the Party;
- To promote the Party amongst disabled people and their carers;
- To support members of the party in dealing with and inform them about issues relating to the needs of disabled people, their carers and their families; and
- To provide support and development opportunities to members of the Party who are disabled or carers seeking internal or external election