Disabled Candidates Being Excluded from Running for Public Office
The Liberal Democrats Disability Association calls upon the Governement to reinstate immediately the EnAble Fund for Disabled Candidates running for Public Office. The current restrictions on political campaigning due to Covid-19 have seen disabled candidates being unfairly disadvantaged. LDDA believes that the current Conservative Government is not fulfilling the Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities which sets out that disabled people have the right to 'participate effectively and fully in political life on an equal basis with others.'

This is not the first time that the Conservative Government have made it harder for disabled candidates to run for public office. They cancelled the Access to Elected Office Fund in 2015.
LDDA demands that the Conservative Government reinstates the EnAble Fund immediately, so those who are classed as disabled under the Equaltity Act 2010 have as fair a chance as a candidate without a disability.