Disabled polling plan first in UK
The Electoral Office in Northern Ireland is planning to make it easier for disabled people to vote. It is launching a consultation process on Friday and wants to hear from anyone who had trouble using their polling station.
The plan is aimed at making voting more accessible for the disabled. One option may be to allow the disabled to use an alternative polling station. It would be the first scheme of its kind in the UK.
Douglas Bain, the Chief Electoral Officer, said: "I am committed to do all that I can to make voting as straightforward as possible for everyone who wants to have their say in how we are governed. I am now inviting any member of the public, especially those with disabilities, who may have had difficulty using their polling station at the last election, to let me know. All responses should clearly identify the polling station involved. I will personally consider all suggestions received."
Comments should arrive no later than Friday 11 July 2008. The law provides for a complete review of the Polling Station Scheme every four years. The chief electoral officer can relocate individual polling stations if they are unsuitable or unavailable for a particular election.