Free disabled blue badge parking could end in Oldham

Oldham Council is proposing to end free parking for disabled blue badge holders in council car parks. The move is part of a series of cost-cutting measures by the council which said it has to save £25m in the next financial year. However the council also proposes to freeze town centre parking fees and rents for market stall holders. The proposals are due to be discussed at the council's full cabinet meeting on 6 December.
Councillor Lynne Thompson, Cabinet Member for Finance and Value for Public Money, said: "For the second year running we are freezing town centre car park charges and market rents. This is a key part of our economic strategy: to protect jobs by supporting local traders during this difficult time."
Ms Thompson said scrapping free blue badge parking was in line with the policy of private car parks and other local authorities. She added: "The purpose of the blue badge scheme is to reserve parking in convenient locations and allow badge holders to park on the highway near to their destinations, rather than to be a discount scheme."
The council has no party in overall control, but Labour and the Liberal Democrats have most councillors.