General Election 2015 result
The 2015 election was one of the most hotly contested and talked about in recent history. It is the Conservative Party who have now formed the new Government with a slight majority.
While we will have to wait until the Queen's Speech on 27 May 2015 to get a better idea of the new Government's priorities, we do already know that the Conservative Manifesto included a pledge to 'increase support for full time unpaid carers' while at the same time committing to significantly reducing social security spending. We know this is something that many carers are very concerned about.
As the new Government begins to look at its policies, Carers UK will continue to campaign strongly to ensure that the UK's 6.5 million carers get a better deal, requesting meetings and providing briefings and vital evidence to new Ministers and MPs, making the case for carers to receive the financial, practical and emotional support they need and deserve.
You can help us raise awareness of carers' needs by contacting your local MP, whether they are newly elected or not. We have put together a draft message to MPs. You can download this below and send it via email or post to your MP to let them know what carers need and what they can do to help carers.
You can find out who your local MP is here.
The message to MPs
We have uploaded the message in Word, so you can personalise the text with details of your own caring experience.
If you have problems downloading the Word format you can download the message as a PDF then copy and paste the wording so you can still personalise the message.