Hi everyone
Myself Héloise and my colleague Brad are currently working to develop an app, to make the life of people with disabilities, easier. We're looking specially with physical disabilities but still able to use a smartphone.
3 concepts:
1) A day planner. You create your profile, enter your interests, and your disability and we will find activities that you're looking for within the area that you want. You can also suggest other events that you can add to the planner. We also book the transports for you.
2) Local Mentor. Social stigma is present within 2 out of 3 people within the UK and this app would enable disabled and non disabled people to actually meet up, have support for each other and organise various events. Each of the member will only be able to have one mentor.
3) Positivity/Negativity map. Wherever you go in London you would press a positive or negative button regarding the accessibility of buildings/streets/restaurants... within an area. You can also post suggestions. The aim of this map would be to take it to your local council and raise awareness as regards accessibility, to make a change.
Any opinion on the subject is welcomed.
You can alternatively answered back to me at
Thanks very much.