Spring Conference
Liberal Democrats from across the UK - and beyond - will come together for our Spring Federal Conference this weekend.

LDDA will not be holding a fringe meeting at this conference, but we would highlight the Federal Policy Committee consultation session at 17.40 on Saturday.
This is the More Caring Society Working Group Consultation.
The Liberal Democrat Federal Policy Committee's More Caring Society working group hosts the meeting, consulting on its upcoming policy paper on care. Come and discuss policies on adult social care, unpaid carers, care for the disabled and more. Chaired by Baroness Judith Jolly.
We also note the Constitutional Caretaking motion F35, which will be discussed at 20.15 on Sunday.
Part of that motion tidies up some language in the constitution:
"Conference notes that there is an inconsistency between the Preamble and Article 3.1 in the grounds of discrimination prohibited. Conference therefore resolves to amend the Constitution as follows: In the Preamble after 'gender' insert 'identity'. In Article 3.1, after 'discrimination as to', delete the rest of the line and insert 'race, ethnicity, caste, heritage, class, religion or belief, age, disability, sex, gender identity or sexual orientation'."
Conference will be held online via HopIn and runs for longer into Sunday evening than would be possible for an in-person conference with people needing to travel perhaps hundreds of miles home with limited Sunday public transport options.