The Need To Fix Our Broken PIP

Disabled people have been let down time and time again, and this current Labour Government are betraying us yet again.
PIP, or Personal Independance Payment, is intended to support disabled people in covering their increased financal needs as a disabled person. It is one of the few welfare supports not means tested, because it is recognised being disabled is often expensive regardless of other income.
PIP has been controversial since it was introduced - the requirements to qualify are incredibly high, with many disabled people being told they do not qualify.
The Labour Government have made multiple threats to PIP Claimants, such as demanding access to their bank accounts, revoking the support and making it means tested.
Recent research has shown the DWP have underpaid by £1.62 billion due to unanswered phone calls, despite the already high standards to reach this support.
PIP, and the DWP, are not fit for purpose. Poverty has never been an effective motivator, and disabled people are more likely to need more financal support.
LDDA are calling on the wider party, and the government, to stand up for disabled people. We want to ensure all disabled people have the support to live equitably and have the same equal access to society, including employment, as our peers.