Tory cuts target the disabled
As part of the Tories' cuts to welfare spending they have tightened the rules for Motability vehicles.
Under the old rules the test was being unable to walk for 50 metres without help even if this was difficult and painful for you. But this has been cut to just 20 metres and has meant that about half the disabled people who used to get Motability vehicles have lost access to them.
The Government has not been able to produce any evidence to support their new test which seems to be all about saving money and reducing benefits.
Carole Mulroney has raised this issue in Southend Council, receiving all-party support.
The Council will now ask the Government to promote changes requested by Muscular Dystrophy UK for the benefit of those who suffer from the disease (and other mobility diseases) in order to restore their ability to live as mobile and inclusive a life as is possible.

This article originally appeared in our Leigh & West Leigh Focus: July 2017