UPSET: Edward West has criticised the DWP for deciding he is fit for work [Image: Northern Echo].
Edward West is absolutely right; the Conservative Government couldn't care less about people like him.
After six years of persecuting the sick and disabled, it is clear that Conservatives consider people like Edward West to be - shall we say - surplus to requirements.
So they'll get no more help from state funds and will be expected to find their own way in the world. The Tories know their choice will put many people in their graves but simply don't care.
And for those reading this who are still, after all this time, saying, "He doesn't look ill": Take a good, hard look at yourself in the mirror.
I'm willing to bet you didn't think you looked ill, either.
'The government doesn't care about people like me', says a man with learning difficulties after being forced to find work.
Disabled Darlington man Edward West has been considered unable to work for the entirety of his adult life.
At the age of 44, he must now look for full time work within an hour's commute after the Department of Work and Pensions unexpectedly declared him fit for employment.
Mr West lives in sheltered accommodation, has significant learning difficulties and needs the support of a carer several times a week.
Source: Man with learning disabilities told to 'go find a job' by DWP (From The Northern Echo)