Councils fail to prioritise disabled bedroom tax-hit tenants
Councils are ignoring government guidance and failing to prioritise disabled people for paymentsto help cope with the bedroom tax, a study has claimed.
Councils are ignoring government guidance and failing to prioritise disabled people for paymentsto help cope with the bedroom tax, a study has claimed.
New DWP statistics published today show that only 34,200 of the 220,300 disabled people making a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) claim have received a decision. The new data covers the period from 8 April 2013, when PIP was introduced, up to 31 December 2013.
How to opt out *BREAKING NEWS, 7 Feb 2014* UPDATE 12/2/14: We are awaiting official clarification from DH and HSCIC, expected soon.
Around 10 million people in the UK are affected by a mental health conditon at any one time.
"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist," Kevin Spacey tells us, and it's a bit like that with depression too. It's so insidious precisely because it tries to convince you it isn't really there, that these black thoughts and difficult days are all there is for you, and that this entirely your own fault.
After hearing/reading a lot of negative things about people with mental health issues recently first I got angry, then I got writing. This is what I came up with: