Disability, The New Axis of Evil
The House of Commons debated an Opposition Day motion today calling for disability benefit cuts to be subjected to a cumulative impact assessment - the radical idea that if you subject someone to not one cut, but two, three or even six or more (DLA, ESA, ILF, Bedroom Tax, Benefits Cap, council care budget cuts, and the list goes on, and on, and on) you should actually add up everything they're losing. The standout contribution has to have been from (disabled) Tory MP Paul Maynard (Blackpool North and Cleveleys). "dragged to this Chamber by Pat's petition, We are Spartacus and other extremist disability groups that do not speak for the overall majority." Pat's Petition, extremists? Spartacus, extremists? Damn, better hope the accessibility atGuantanamo Bay's up to scratch for when they line all us uppity crips up for Extraordinary Rendition. "The cumulative impact assessment is a very narrow tool by which to judge the contribution of the disabled community in this country, their potential and what they can ach