Don Harrison
Work When You're Sick Say New DWP Guidelines
Work When You're Sick Say New DWP Guidelines
I just watched the BBC News and one of the reports was about Carers. It wasn't about Carers and the fantastic jobs they do for £1.40 per hour (less in most cases). It was about the impact on businesses. I can't believe the propoganda has started against Carers. How *DARE* they? Carers are some the most incredible people in this country. They get £58 per week to look after family members or friends who would otherwise cost the state hundreds of thousands of pounds per year. In most cases, they give up their jobs to look after their family and friends and they do this with love and compassion. How dare the Government start on at them? What are they going to do? Push them at jobs that don't exist?
Casey Crump, clinical assistant professor1, Kristina Sundquist, professor2, Marilyn A Winkleby, professor3, Jan Sundquist, professor and director2 Author Affiliations
Musculoskeletal conditions are the greatest cause of disability in the UK according to a report published in The Lancet on 5th March 2013. A landmark study of the burden of all diseases (The Global Burden of Disease Study 2010) provides indisputable evidence that musculoskeletal conditions are an enormous and increasing problem in the UK as well as globally and, Arthritis Care believes, need to be given the same priority for policy and resources as other major conditions like cancer, mental health and cardiovascular disease.
Issue Transport should be easy for everyone to use. Making sure that access to buses, coaches, trains and taxis is hassle-free for all will reduce the number of car journeys and therefore help to reduce carbon emissions.
Cross posted from here by request of Sue Marsh. Please RT share share share.