Motion on Carers to be debated at the South Central Liberal Democrats Regional Conference on the 5th November 2011 at Eastleigh
A. 'Conference calls on the government to take positive action to support carers in the following ways;
A. 'Conference calls on the government to take positive action to support carers in the following ways;
Many disabled people risk losing essential payments under planned benefits changes, a charity has warned. Scope says the proposed test of claimants' need is flawed for focusing on the disability but ignoring relevant factors like housing and transport. Thousands could be left with little or no financial support, Scope warns. The government argues new payments will be more effectively targeted to those in greatest need, while cutting overpayments of £600m a year.
A leading health charity has called for a "democratic revolution" in the way care homes in Britain are run. Sue Ryder, which specialises in looking after people at the end of their lives, says they should be governed for residents, by residents. The idea comes in a report for the charity by the research group Demos on the future of care in Britain. The Patients Association says the move would help give care home residents control over their lives.
MP Julian Huppert backed a move in the House of Commons for a change in the law to allow some elderly and disabled people to use concessionary bus passes on Dial-a-Ride.
Ricky Gervais has been criticised by disability groups for repeated use of the word "mong" on his Twitter feed. The comedian's recent tweets have included phrases like "Good monging everyone", "Night night monglets" and "Two mongs don't make a right".