Alzheimer's drugs policy outrage
Alzheimer's disease groups have attacked draft guidance from the NHS medicines watchdog restricting access to certain drugs.
Alzheimer's disease groups have attacked draft guidance from the NHS medicines watchdog restricting access to certain drugs.
Responding to the Bristol University report Finding The Right Support?, published today, which calls for mothers with learning difficulties to be given more support to allow them to keep their children, Liberal Democrat children's Spokesperson, Annette Brooke MP said:
Commenting on the Rethink report A Cut Too Far, warning of the affects of NHS cuts on mental health services, Liberal Democrat Shadow Health Secretary, Steve Webb MP said:
Responding to the new King's Fund report, Deficits in the NHS, suggesting that the NHS deficit could exceed £1 billion, Liberal Democrat Shadow Health Secretary, Steve Webb MP said:
Commenting on the publication of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation's report, Paying for Long Term Care, which is critical of the current system of funding and calls for a review, Liberal Democrat Shadow Health Minister, Sandra Gidley MP, said:
Liberal Democrat Shadow Health Secretary, Steve Webb MP has responded to the open letter from Doctors For Reform to the leaders of all parties by reiterating the Liberal Democrats' commitment to an NHS based on need, not ability to pay.