Next steps for delivering landmark childcare offer unveiled
We've launched a consultation and expression of interest to gather evidence about the 30-hour free childcare offer.
We've launched a consultation and expression of interest to gather evidence about the 30-hour free childcare offer.
A primary school that excluded 'up to thirty disabled children' 'in a rush to become an academy' has rejected education chiefs' calls to rescind some of the expulsions.
STEPHEN CRABB, the new work and pensions secretary, is seeking to tear up government contracts with private "welfare to work" contractors as part of a radical overhaul of Iain Duncan Smith's benefits revolution.
A year after it was introduced, Disability Rights UKs legal partners, Irwin Mitchell Solicitors, say that budget cuts and a lack of compliance from local authorities are making The Care Act less effective than hoped. When it was brought in last April, the Care Act 2014 was billed as the biggest change to adult social care for more than 20 years, which aimed to give disabled adults and their carers a greater understanding of their rights.
MPs on the public accounts committee (PAC) have issued a report which concludes that companies carrying out personal independence payment (PIP) and employment and support allowance (ESA) assessments are still failing to meet acceptable performance standards.
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