Did you know the NHS in England is forcing sick and vulnerable people to pay for care that should be free? Be part of our campaign calling for urgent improvements to the NHS continuing care system.
Did you know the NHS in England is forcing sick and vulnerable people to pay for care that should be free? Be part of our campaign calling for urgent improvements to the NHS continuing care system.
People stare at Adam Pearson wherever he goes. But when looks and whispers turn more violent, he is left feeling scared. He looks into the issue of disability hate crime in the UK.
I'm an apprentice at the campaigning group Disability Rights UK, and recently spent a day with Mencap's Campaigns team to find out more about how we can raise awareness about learning disability in society - and the employment chances for people who have the condition. I have a learning disability, but my experience to date is that many people don't completely understand what a learning disability is - or why I have the difficulties I sometimes do with certain tasks. I find it a bit stressful to keep explaining why.
People with a learning disability can often face prejudice and exclusion in society on a daily basis, but could this be different if all of us knew people with a learning disability from an earlier stage in life? I went to Millfield School in Somerset to find out how some of the best friendships start at an early age. I work at Mencap and very aware of the many challenges facing the 1.4 million people with a learning disability in the UK. I hear many anecdotes about people too scared to travel on the bus when school children are around for fear of ridicule or worse.
MPs have been warned by a prominent activist that legalising assisted suicide would mean that some disabled people would die as a result of "exploitation and abuse".
Pavements used to be our friend