Free Bethanie Mae
Bethanie is 13 years old and loves animals, swimming, art, ice skating and gymnastics. Bethanie has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS).
Bethanie is 13 years old and loves animals, swimming, art, ice skating and gymnastics. Bethanie has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS).
In the New Years Honours 2016, I was appointed Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for my services to Young People with Disabilities. Then on Thursday 9th June 2016, I received my MBE in my Investiture at Buckingham Palace, presented to me by His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales. It is a huge honour to be appointed an MBE, especially given my young age, I'm only 22, and the fact that my period of work hasn't spanned decades like many others. However, it's highly unlikely that my life, and my work, will span decades, which makes it even more special to receive the Honour whilst I am at the peak of my work, and am still well enough and able to attend my investiture, and able to enjoy being a Member of the Order. It is a huge honour to be recognised for my work. My charity, health and disability work gives me a positive focus away from the pain, suffering and struggles I have as a result of my conditions, and the restrictions the conditions and their complications impose upon my life. To h
Tony Clough has been appointed an MBE in the Queens birthday honours after campaigned for the provision of Changing Places over the last decade.
Leaving the European Union (EU) would put at risk significant improvements that have been made to the lives of disabled people over the last 15 years, according to three of the country's leading academics working in the disability rights field.
Three-quarters of carers (74 per cent) with some of the most intensive caring responsibilities say their community does not understand or value their caring role, resulting in high numbers of them struggling to balance other areas of their lives with caring.
I'm three months into the new job and this is my first Carer Week. It's really impressive to see how much activity is taking place across the UK. Local carers services have been brewing up a whole range of events in local libraries, town halls, shopping centres, social media and much more besides. Carers Trust have been on TV and radio, raising awareness of carers and the work of our local carers services.