Following the proposals on Access for All detailed in the Hendy Review, Transport for All, together with Inclusion London, Disabled People against Cuts, Disability Rights UK, RNIB, Muscular Dystrophy Campaign UK and Campaign for Better Transport wrote to the Secretary of State for Transport. The "Replanning Network Rail's investment programme" report from Sir Peter Hendy to the Transport Secretary recommends to defer 50% of vital Access for All projects to 2019-24. [Source: Transport for All website] Dear Patrick McLoughlin MP, Secretary of State for Transport, R.E: Proposals by the Hendy Review to defer 50% of Access for All projects until the next rail Control Period (2019-24) Despite being one of the wealthiest countries in the world, the accessibility of the UK's Rail network still has a long way to go. We are therefore writing to express our dismay at the proposed recommendations by the Hendy review into Network Rail to defer 50% of vital Access for All projects to 2019-24. Over twenty years have passed