'Confined to bed'. 'Restricted to bed'. Bedbound, bedridden. Words and terms that sound so pitiable. So pathetic. So awful. A life that's hardly worth living. The end of ever having a 'normal' life again. Better off dead. But that's not the case. It doesn't have to be like that. Being stuck in bed most of the time doesn't have to mean it's all over and life is finished. There is so much that can still be done, so much left to do, so much life yet to live. I know there are many people who are in horrible pain or, at least, in considerable discomfort for much of the time and I can't speak for them as I haven't experienced it and don't fall into that category, but there are also lots of people, like me, who are just unable to get up much because of their impairment. This can be due the medical equipment they need to stay alive, due to the lack of help and support they have or at least, just because its such hard work to do it and its often not worth the effort. I'm one of that category.